Grow Rural South West Queensland

GROW Rural South West Queensland

GROW Rural South West Queensland - Event Details

Locations: Roma, St George and Charleville (visited across the three years)

1st Year: Friday, 13 October 2023 - Sunday, 15 October 2023
2nd Year: Friday, 11 October 2024 - Sunday, 13 October 2024
3rd Year: Friday, 10 October 2025 - Sunday, 12 October 2025

GROW Rural South West Queensland  2023 – 2025 applications are now closed.

The 2026 - 2028 GROW Rural South West Queensland application round will open in 2026.

The GROW Rural South West Queensland (SWQ) program selects students who show willingness to advancing a rural health career pathway in collaboration with Health Workforce Queensland, GROW Rural SWQ health professionals, and health service providers. This includes the program requirements listed below.

Program Requirements

Students are required to:

  • Attend three annual GROW Rural events held consecutively from 2023-2025

  • Develop a relationship with a GROW Rural mentor (where available)

  • Work towards undertaking university clinical placements in GROW Rural SWQ communities and/or region (where possible)

  • Participate in online webinars delivered by Health Workforce Queensland to promote job placement options

  • Show a willingness to return to the GROW Rural SWQ communities and/or region to take up a new graduate position (where available)

Eligibility Criteria
  • Attendees must be 18 years of age at the time of the first event

  • Open to first year full-time students only

  • Open to medical, nursing, midwifery, dentistry and allied health students

  • Open to students from Queensland universities only

  • Open to domestic students only

Additional Information
  • Interviews will be conducted for short-listed applicants

  • The program is cost-free, with travel, accommodation and catering covered by Health Workforce Queensland

  • Travel may include a combination of air and bus

  • Accommodation during GROW Rural may involve shared arrangements with other students of the same sex, and/or billeting with a host community family

  • To determine the influences the GROW Rural program has on future rural and remote practice, Health Workforce Queensland will invite GROW Rural participants to answer a longitudinal tracking survey. The first tracking survey will invite participants to be part of the tracking survey and to provide their AHPRA registration number (where applicable). Subsequent surveys will be emailed every two years.

Supported by:

2023 Community Event Sponsor:

GROW Rural South West Queensland Community Supporters

Health Workforce Queensland acknowledges the ongoing commitment of the following community organisations and businesses who so generously provide in-kind support to GROW Rural South West Queensland.

For more information, please contact our Training and Events team or Future Workforce team.

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