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Our Research

As a result of undertaking various workforce and service planning activities, Health Workforce Queensland staff have had the opportunity to present at multiple primary healthcare forums, sharing insights into the challenges facing our remote, rural and regional primary healthcare workforce.

July 2023

Are You Remotely Interested?

Presentation: Primary Care Gaps in Remote Queensland: Perceptions of Practitioners and Managers
Presenter: Dave Wellman

Presentation: Remote Practitioner Perceptions of Factors Influencing Workforce Turnover in Queensland
Presenter: Dave Wellman

June 2023

9th Rural & Remote Health Scientific Symposium

Presentation: Doctor Movements in Rural Queensland 2020-2022: Potential Impacts of DPA Policy Change
Presenter: Dave Wellman

Presentation: Why Queensland Rural Primary Care Health Professionals Leave: Perceptions from the Workforce
Presenter: Dave Wellman

November 2022

SARRAH National Conference, Online

Presentation: Allied Health Practitioners’ Perceived Factors Influencing Primary Healthcare Practice Sustainability and Viability
Presenter: Christian Hughes

June 2022

RDAQ Confrence, Gladstone

Presentation: General Practice Sustainability – Strategy versus Reality
Presenter: Sarah Venn