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Wellbeing Resources

The pandemic has, unsurprisingly, contributed to an increase in mental health issues and therefore an increased demand on supporting health services.

The 2022 Health Workforce Needs Assessment (HWNA), which guides where HWQ focuses attention, found "increased workloads and staff burnout as potential contributing factors to workforce shortages." So it has a knock-on effect. The survey also found that regarding issues faced "for general practice, the main sub-themes were the same as for allied health, workforce shortages, long wait times, and the lack of bulk billed services. Some contributing factors included recruitment and retention difficulties, increased demand, practice viability and GP workload and burnout".

"One of the most common challenges reported by GPs included managing fatigue and burnout." This was according to RACGP's Health of the Nation 2021 Report, which also highlighted that "half of GPs reported at least one negative impact to their wellbeing because of COVID-19."

If you find you, or your family, are experiencing a tough time, there are many organisations available that provide support and information. Some of these are listed below, a few of which are specifically for those working in health care.​

Assistance for Health Professionals

Domestic Violence Resources

Mental Health Resources

Other Health Resources