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Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) is a leadership and policy organisation. QAIHC were established in 1990 and are the peak organisation representing all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations (ATSICCHO) in Queensland at both a state and national level.

The QAIHC Membership is comprised of ATSICCHOs located throughout Queensland. Nationally, QAIHC represent Queensland through its affiliation and Membership on the board of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).

QAIHC Membership is open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations in Queensland.

QAIHC Membership consists of 28 organisations. Members are part of the health system architecture. They improve health, create jobs and ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receive culturally appropriate health care. They operate in different regions of Queensland, giving us a vast, statewide perspective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Statement of Commitment

A Statement of Commitment was signed on 28 October 2016 that formalises a working partnership designed to build a highly skilled, sustainable and culturally responsive primary healthcare workforce for the Aboriginal and Islander community controlled health sector in Queensland.

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) Chairperson Elizabeth Adams signed the agreement with Health Workforce Queensland Chairman Emeritus Professor Robert Stable before 80 QAIHC Member representatives and invited guests at the QAIHC Annual Member Conference at the Brisbane Convention Centre.

The agreement is a significant milestone for QAIHC as it represents a shared vision to develop and retain a primary healthcare workforce that is committed to delivering excellence to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.

Under the Statement of Commitment, QAIHC and Health Workforce Queensland commit to:

  • Creating sustainable workforce solutions

  • Improving workforce retention

  • Marketing the philosophy and values of the sector

  • Embedding cultural competency across all aspects of professional practice

  • Investing in the future primary healthcare workforce

To read the Statement of Commitment, click here.