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Year 10, 11 and 12 students

High school students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are invited to take part in the GROW Rural skill sessions. By attending these sessions, high school students will:

  • Gain insight into potential careers in the health sector and the pathways to them.

  • Meet other, like-minded high school students.

  • Engage with university students who can de-mystify university life and study.

  • Find that they too can learn how to do medical procedures such as suturing and plastering.

How do high school students sign up to be part of GROW Rural skill sessions?

Your school will inform students about upcoming events in your area. Additionally, you can stay updated by following Health Workforce Queensland’s Facebook page, where we regularly post event details and updates. Comprehensive information about the skill sessions, along with the application form, will be posted here once event details have been announced.

GROW Rural visit dates:

  • North Queensland (Tablelands area): July 2025

  • South West Queensland (Charleville): October 2025

For more information, please email the Future Workforce Team.

Return to High Schools page here.