(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
(07) 3105 7800
Turrbal and Jagera Country
Level 4, 348 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Mileage/flights and accommodation will be provided $1,500 + GST per day Enjoy a relaxed lifestyle! Job Title: Locum General Practitioner – Burnett Heads, Queensland. Job Type: Locum - Full-Time. Proposed Locum Period: 03 March 2025 – 25 April 2025 (Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 5:00pm). Practice...
Full-Time Private Billings 70% Start Date negotiable Job Title: General Practitioners - Childers QLD (JOB 10003709) Practice Information: This busy private practice in the town of Childers is currently transitioning to private billing. Current services offered: Men’s and womens health Childr...
Supervision available Job Title: General Practitioner - Bundaberg Practice Information: This privately owned, family orientated practice is located within the Bundaberg region providing a large diversity of care for Varicose Vein treatment, Dermatology, advanced Skin Cancer management and Genera...
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This practice in Bundaberg is seeking a full time General Practitioner. Bundaberg is a regional city in Southeast Queensland and the southernmost gateway to the barrier reef. It is 15km inland from the Coast and situated on the Burnett River. It is a major centre within the broader Wide-Bay Burne...